Saturday, August 18, 2012

Currency Exchange in HK


Berlin Compamy Excharge 不設預訂,另加一服務費...


哦,原來係唔抵得Berlin Exchange個價好過佢.

Berlin Company Exchange Limited

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Brainwash 洗腦








Here is my translation:

Interviewer: "The detention period has exceeded what is permitted by law."

Student: "I guess the Chinese government has its own consideration."

Interviewer: "This is illegal."

Student: "Excuse me?"

Interviewer: "This is illegal."

Student: "I have no idea."

Isn't that familiar?


是一個什麼樣的計劃,要兒童在戰爭中受苦被殺呢?What is God's plan for the children living in war?



Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Typhoon VICENTE 颱風韋森特



Monday, July 23, 2012

Keanu Reeves

Someone posted the following on facebook and I try to search the original version.


他的爸爸在他12歲的時候因為毒品交易被逮補,他的媽媽是舞孃,後來全家搬到加拿大並有過幾任繼父。在1999年,李維的女友珍妮佛·賽姆(Jennifer Syme)生下死胎,而在2001,正當他們兩人要幸福地準備要結婚的時候,基努李維親眼看到他心愛的女友賽姆在車禍中喪生,從此以後他一直逃避穩定的感情與生育問題!

他其中一位摯友River Phoenix (Joaquin Phoenix的兄弟)因為用藥過量死亡。幾乎在同年基努李維的生父又被逮捕。從小與基努·李維相依為命的妹妹Kim,不幸罹患了白血病。媒體常常拍到他陪伴著妹妹。1994年《捍衛戰警》走紅前夕,他都還睡在朋友家的地板上,成名開始賺錢以後,他捐出了大量的金錢幫助幫助治療白血病症的醫院。





This guy reading the newspaper on the subway is Keanu Reeves. He is from a problematic family. His father was arrested when he was 12 for drug dealing and his mother was a stripper.

His family moved to Canada and there he had several step dads. He watched his girlfriend die. They were about to get married, and she died in a car accident. And also before that she had lost her baby.

Since then Keanu avoids serious relationships and having kids. He’s one of the only Hollywood stars without a Mansion. He said: “l live in a flat, I have everything that I need at anytime, why choose an empty house?” One of his best friends died by overdose, he was River Phoenix (Joaquin Phoenix’s brother). Almost in the same year Keanu’s father was arrested again. His younger sister had leukemia. Today she is cured, and he donated 10% of his gains from the movie Matrix to Hospitals that treat leukemia.

In one of his birthdays, he got to a little candy shop and bought him a cake, and started eating alone. If a fan walked by he would talk to them and offer some of the cake. He doesn’t have bodyguards, and he doesn’t wear fancy clothes. When they asked him about “Sad Keanu”, he replied: “You need to be happy to live, I don’t.

Happy Cheer Up Keanu Day.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Justice for Lal Bibi

It's a dream to think the US will uphold justice. The US politicians always do things to protect their own interest only: money, influence and control on other regions, etc.

A teenager named Lal Bibi was kidnapped, raped, tortured and chained to a wall for five days by a gang of powerful Afghan police officers. But she stood up to do what women in Afghanistan are told not to -- she is fighting back, and together we can help her and all Afghan women win justice.

According to deep cultural mandates, as a raped woman, Lal Bibi has been "dishonoured" and will kill herself -- and she publicly says she must, unless her rapists are brought to justice to restore her honour and dignity. Afghanistan's justice system routinely fails to pursue these cases and so far the chief suspects in Lal Bibi's case have not been prosecuted, likely in the hopes that international attention will die down. Every day that passes without the prosecutions pushes Lal Bibi closer to suicide -- but there is hope.

This weekend, the US, UK, Japan and other major donors are expected to pledge 4 billion dollars to Afghanistan -- money that will pay for the very police forces responsible for Lal Bibi’s rape. But an international outcry can shame donor countries into action, conditioning their aid on real action to fight rape and protect women. We don't have much time left. Sign the petition on the right for change that could save Lal Bibi’s life and our petition will be delivered right into the donor conference in Tokyo.


What the Hell

What is Hell? What is the purpose of Hell? I'm lazy and I just search a few articles on the Internet

To many religions, Hell is a horrible place to punish people, and now I have a question:

What is the purpose of Hell?

Did I say that Hell is a horrible place to punish people? Yes, but

What is the purpose to punish?

In an ideal modern society, I guess:

(1) The wrongdoers are sent to prisons so that they cannot cause any more harm to other people outside the prisons.
(2) The wrongdoers are sent to prisons with their freedom limited as a punishment. In that way, any action has a consequence and justice is upheld.
(3) The wrongdoers are given time to rehabilitate, to correct his/her wrong behaviours before going back to the society.

In real life, some dictators, kings, government officials, etc. simply punish people to scare away opposite voices.

If we compare Hell with prison:

(1) When someone goes to Hell, he/she cannot cause any more harm to other people not in Hell.
(2) When someone goes to Hell, he/she cannot go to Heaven (or other places). This is the punishment.
(3) That somebody is dead; there is no way to live as the same person before his/her dead. If there is no "life" in Hell, there is no point for him/her to be a good person again. But if there is "life" in Hell, do we give them chances to become good people again, even still living in Hell?

My next question is: what is the purpose of the unquenchable hell fire mentioned in the Bible? Okay, I know that someone mentioned that Hell was designed for demons, not human, but still, what is the purpose of the unquenchable hell fire?

If the hell fire is really eternal, what is the point to burn the demons forever? Does it mean that someone will be very happy to torture the demons? If the hell fire is not everlasting, how long will it last? Did God use hell fire x minutes to kill one demon? Did God develop hell fire version 1 to torture the demons for x minutes? Could God develop hell fire version 2 to reduce the torture time by half? What is the implication for a dead person in hell to be burnt to dead again for x minutes? If you say God designed Hell for demons, not humans, but still God knew that there would be humans in Hell, right? Or you want to say that God is not all-knowing?

In an ideal modern society, if a person do bad things and once reported, the government shall start investigation ASAP and bring him/her to court for justice. But as mentioned in the Bible, the scheme designed by God only uphold justice when the judgment day come. When every one on Earth are dead, what is the point to punish by the hell fire?

Well, if God created angels and humans, does it mean that God failed twice? I still do not understand the whole picture and there are always be lots of questions.

Monday, July 2, 2012

What is in your mind?

What do you want? What do you expect to happen?

Our chief executive is not honest about his Unauthorized Building Works (UBW) in his house. You do not trust him because of his lies and you want him to step down because of his wrongdoings. If he really steps down, what do you think will happen? Who do you think will become the next chief executive of Hong Kong?

If this is a revolution, we have the power to decide how we select the next chief executive if we win, but we are not having a revolution.

Actually I'm curious to know if our previous chief executive has removed his UBW and how long does it take to remove them all. How about other government officials and celebrities?

I like Robin Cook's resignation speech very much (

Only a couple of weeks ago, Hans Blix told the Security Council that the key remaining disarmament tasks could be completed within months.

I have heard it said that Iraq has had not months but 12 years in which to complete disarmament, and that our patience is exhausted.

Yet it is more than 30 years since resolution 242 called on Israel to withdraw from the occupied territories.

We do not express the same impatience with the persistent refusal of Israel to comply.

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

If you want to help to reduce FGM, you can sign the following petition. (Logically I know it is impossible to stop, so I just call it reduce)

I have heard of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) being practised in some African countries before, but not until I heard of the story of Waris Dirie (,, last month did I realize that  there is a FGM Type III and people who carry out this procedure are simply nuts to cut it and sew it up.

Female Genital Mutilation, also known as female genital cutting and female circumcision, is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as "all procedures that involve partial or total removal of the external female genitalia, or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons."

The WHO has offered four classifications of FGM. The main three are Type I, removal of the clitoral hood, almost invariably accompanied by removal of the clitoris itself (clitoridectomy); Type II, removal of the clitoris and inner labia; and Type III (infibulation), removal of all or part of the inner and outer labia, and usually the clitoris, and the fusion of the wound, leaving a small hole for the passage of urine and menstrual blood—the fused wound is opened for intercourse and childbirth. Around 85 percent of women who undergo FGM experience Types I and II, and 15 percent Type III, though Type III is the most common procedure in several countries, including Sudan, Somalia, and Djibouti. Several miscellaneous acts are categorized as Type IV. These range from a symbolic pricking or piercing of the clitoris or labia, to cauterization of the clitoris, cutting into the vagina to widen it (gishiri cutting), and introducing corrosive substances to tighten it.

Even though these uncivilized, unnecessary and horrible procedures are banned in some countries, stupid people continues to practise. (Human beings are always stupid, compared to God)

Why do people do such uncivilized, unnecessary and horrible things?

FGM is considered by its practitioners to be an essential part of raising a girl properly - girls are regarded as having been cleansed by the removal of "male" body parts. It ensures pre-marital virginity and inhibits extra-marital sex, because it reduces women's libido. Women fear the pain of re-opening the vagina, and are afraid of being discovered if it is opened illicitly

Where does FGM originated? I am no expert and I cannot find a definite answer from the Internet. People are saying that FGM does not come from religions, as only Male circumcision is mentioned.

Regarding Male circumcision (, if this is a sign of covenant to God, shouldn't it be decided by the person when he reached 18? If it is only the fathers who decide to perform the circumcision operations on their male babies, it only means that the covenants are between these fathers and God, not from these babies.

Why there is no covenant between women and God? Is this a sex discrimination? Did God forget something? Did God intentionally miss that part? Did human beings deliberately erase related paragraphs from the Bible?

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem 伯利恆主誕堂

巴人突擊申遺成功 美以怒轟


聯合國世界遺產委員會以13票贊成、6票反對,決定把伯利恆主誕堂(Church of the Nativity)列為世遺。教科文組織巴勒斯坦代表桑巴爾(Elias Wadih Sanbar)表示,伯利恆古蹟「因以色列的佔領、修建西岸城牆而面臨被徹底破壞的威脅」。巴方亦指以軍的封鎖導致缺乏工具復修,要求將有關古蹟緊急列為世界遺產,毋須經過歷時18個月的申請程序。

幾經戰火 將獲資金復修



不過,教科文組織的決定引起美以反彈,美國駐聯合國教科文組織代表基利昂(David Killion)表示,美國對此「深感失望」,指決定與政治有關;以色列總理辦公室亦發表聲明,指「有證據顯示教科文組織的決定出於政治考慮,而非基於文化原因」;以色列外交部稱,「巴勒斯坦並不是對主誕堂有興趣,他們只是想利用申遺程序作為對付以色利的宣傳工具。」



現時成功把伯利恆主誕堂列入巴勒斯坦名下,對巴人立國進程具象徵性意義,被視為巴人繞過美以掣肘,爭取國際承認國家地位的「擦邊球勝利」。巴勒斯坦外長馬勒基(Riad Malki)稱,當局正計劃為西岸、加沙及東耶路撒冷多個古申遺,勢令以巴的政治爭拗升級。


29 June 2012 Last updated at 15:40 GMT

Bethlehem sites given Unesco World Heritage status

The UN's cultural agency, Unesco, has voted to add the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem and its pilgrimage route to the list of World Heritage Sites.

The Palestinian delegation welcomed the approval of its bid to get protected status for the church, built on a site some believe was Jesus's birthplace.

Israel and the US opposed the move, saying it was politically motivated.

It was the first such approval since Palestine was controversially granted membership of Unesco last year.

Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity - originally constructed in 399 above a cave traditionally believed to be the birthplace of Jesus and rebuilt after fire in the 6th Century - is among the holiest sites in Christianity

The short section of the pilgrimage route from Jerusalem to Bethlehem - following the historical route believed to have been taken by Mary and Joseph - is used for the procession of the Patriarchs at Christmas.

An estimated two million people visit the two sites every year.

At a meeting in the Russian city of St Petersburg on Friday, Unesco delegates voted 13 to six in favour of giving both of them World Heritage Site status "on an emergency basis", entitling them to UN protection and funding for restoration work the Palestinians say is urgent.


When the result of the secret ballot was announced, there were loud cheers and fist pumping from the Palestinian delegation, reports the BBC's Jon Donnison in Ramallah.

"These sites are threatened with total destruction through the Israeli occupation, through the building of the separation wall, because of all the Israeli sanctions and the measures that have been taken to stifle the Palestinian identity," permanent delegate Elias Wadih Sanbar said.

Israel's permanent delegate, Nimrod Barkan, said his country supported awarding World Heritage Site status to the Church of the Nativity under a completely different, non-emergency procedure that carried no implications for the stalled Middle East peace process.

"The decision taken now was totally political and does great damage in our opinion to the [UN] convention and its image," he added.

Christian denominations were also opposed to the bid, fearing Unesco would start to meddle in the affairs of the Church of the Nativity.

Our correspondent says Palestinians will see this as a small but significant victory.

Last year, Unesco became the first UN body to officially accept Palestine as a member state, despite strong opposition from the US and Israel, which said it would further remove the possibility of a permanent peace deal.

That led to Washington suspending millions of dollars of funding for the agency, which accounted for a fifth of its budget.

Last year, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas failed in his bid to gain recognition of a Palestinian state at the main body of the United Nations, although officials say they may revive that bid this year.

In a way, Palestinians would not have succeed if Israel did treasure and protect the Church of the Nativity. So far, I only know that Israel built their state by terrorist attack (, ( Reading the news of Israel and Palestine, I guess, to Israel, peace only means "peace" to Israel, by suppressing Palestinians. It is ironic that the story of God comes from Jews but they do not believe Jesus was a god, and they are still doing evil things to the Palestinians.

Israel repressing Palestine 眾神爭奪的國度 —— 走過以色列、巴勒斯坦的戰爭與和平

代勁翔貼文, 原文刊登於香港經濟日報












1948 年,尤太人(註:本文跟隨《眾神爭奪的國度》使用「尤太人」的譯法,認為「猶太」含有歧視的意味。) 湧入那一塊土地建國,名為以色列。原本住在那裏的巴勒斯坦人失去土地、國家,直至現在。



那麼,先拋開那種帝皇視角的歷史觀,來讀《眾神爭奪的國度 —— 走過以色列、巴勒斯坦的戰爭與和平》。



能否想像,你的一個親屬殺人,被判終身監禁,你的房子因此被收歸國有?以色列有一項措施:「誰家出了自殺炸彈客,以色列就拆誰的房子,而且這種報復不止一家,往往是採取『連坐法』株連親族的房舍。」作者說,巴勒斯坦人 L 死於一場自殺攻擊,照片中被毀的正是他家的房舍,滿臉愁容的是他爸爸。「連坐法」的結果是,同區有八棟房舍被炸。





試想想,C 國入侵香港,大部分的香港人被趕離原來居所,被迫遷往位於屯門元朗將軍澳的難民營 —— 鐵絲網包圍的一幢幢中轉房。在難民營的四周,C 國設立高級住宅區,興建豪華別墅,只供 C 國國民居住,守衛森嚴,軍人持槍駐守,香港人與狗不得進入。中轉房沒有自來水,每天香港人要到水井打水,C 國國民卻使用珍貴的食水來灌滿一個個游泳池。這樣還不夠,C 國要進一步分隔尊貴的 C 國國民與低等民族香港人,興建 25 呎高的圍牆,實施種族隔離政策。

每天,住在難民營的香港人要上班的話,要經過檢查哨站。檢查哨位於中環地鐵站 A1 出口,亦是唯一一條通往香港島的通道。成千上萬的香港人就在 A1 出口排隊,等候被檢,往往一等就是兩三個小時,比農曆新年過深圳海關還要痛苦十倍。然而,身邊的 C 國國民一下子就從特別通道通過,你無奈又憤慨。


這樣子的生活,一過 50 多年,一代比一代艱苦,基本的醫療和教育也成問題。中轉房的牆上滿滿是復仇的塗鴉,曾祖父留下的生鏽鑰匙和發黃地契,提醒你曾經有家,在鐵網外、圍牆後的家。久不久,你收到消息,第八座的阿明被士兵亂槍射死,第十二座的陳生一家人神秘失蹤。你不知道,何時到你,何時才能免於恐懼。

終於有一天,聯合國站在香港人的一邊,要求 C 國讓香港人回家。你以為苦難日子要結束了。但一次又一次,C 國懶理聯合國,你照樣是狗一般地生活。C 國有美國撐腰,提供先進軍事裝備,赤手空拳又怎敵他們的坦克?

上述的並非《1984》式政治寓言小說,是現實,血的事實。只不過,我將以色列換成 C 國,巴勒斯坦換成香港。書中有兩段有關自殺式襲擊的話,讀來傷痛:





推介幾本書,有助進一步理解巴勒斯坦人的處境。杭士基(Noam Chomosky)在《9-11》和《流氓國家》中,援引大量的文獻和歷史事例,揭櫫美國本身才是最邪惡的邪惡軸心,直接或間接造成過去幾十年的無數場屠殺和浩劫,惡行包括一手造成今日以巴的困局。《鄉關何處》是薩依德(Edward W. Said)得悉患上絕症後所寫的回憶錄,其中 〈初識悲劇:巴勒斯坦 〉一章很細膩地描述巴勒斯坦的巨變,如何深遠地影響一個 12 歲小孩的成長。《文化與抵抗》結集薩依德在生前最後幾年的訪問,很有力度,思路清晰。

《眾神爭奪的國度 —— 走過以色列、巴勒斯坦的戰爭與和平》是由零開始的上佳選擇。讀完後,我們對複雜的以巴問題所知的依然極少,更遑論能體會巴勒斯坦人的傷痛;但至少,今後我們對事件的認知,不會止於媒體極度簡化和扭曲的論述、喬治布殊的狂言,以及刺激而聳動的爆炸畫面。正如薩依德所言:


I do not call it Israel-Palestine conflict. If a child is fighting an adult, do you call it a conflict?

Bethlehem 伯利恒

From Apple Daily

現 時 伯 利 城 有 的 是 戰 鬥 痕 , 和 涉 及 種 族 宗 教 的 仇 恨 。

日 期 : 2000 年 12 月 25 日

「 在 伯 利 的 野 地 , 有 牧 羊 的 人 , 夜 間 接 更 次 , 看 守 羊 群 ; 有 主 的 使 者 來 到 他 們 旁 邊 , 主 的 榮 光 四 面 照 他 們 … … 」 這 是 新 約 聖 經 對 第 一 個 平 安 夜 的 描 述 。 那 時 的 伯 利 城 是 個 平 和 、 恬 靜 的 山 城 , 沒 有 熙 來 攘 往 的 商 旅 , 也 沒 有 刁 斗 森 嚴 的 堡 壘 、 軍 營 , 有 的 是 小 鎮 的 牧 民 、 簡 樸 的 客 店 。 但 也 正 是 在 這 樣 一 個 小 小 的 山 城 , 誕 下 了 和 平 、 希 望 的 新 象 徵 。

哀 傷 與 痛 心

只 可 惜 , 二 千 年 後 的 平 安 夜 , 伯 利 城 有 的 是 火 箭 炮 襲 擊 的 痕 、 有 的 是 種 族 、 宗 教 的 仇 恨 、 有 的 是 鐵 腕 的 鎮 壓 、 有 的 是 年 輕 人 的 葬 禮。 和 平 與 希 望 彷 彿 都 捨 伯 利 而 去 , 這 實 在 是 令 人 哀 傷 及 痛 心 的 情 況 。 伯 利 從 一 個 寧 靜 的 小 山 城 變 為 槍 火 衝 突 無 日 無 之 的 亂 窩 , 當 然 是 以 色 列 與 巴 勒 斯 坦 人 五 十 年 衝 突的 結 果 。 說 是 以 巴 衝 突 , 不 如 說 是 以 色 列 人 鎮 壓 巴 勒 斯 坦 人 更 符 合 事 實 ; 因 為 在 以 色 列 立 國 時 , 原 來 的 協 議 是 讓 巴 勒 斯 坦 同 時 立 國 的 , 結 果 由 於 以 色 列 人 軍 力 較 強 , 把 原 本 撥 給 巴 勒 斯 坦 人 的 地 方 大 部 分 佔 領 了 , 再 加 上 以 後 歷 次 中 東 戰 爭 都 是 以 色 列 得 利 , 於 是 大 批 的 巴 勒 斯 坦 人 成 為 以 色 列 佔 領 區 的 居 民 , 受 到 種 種 的 限 制 、 壓 迫 。若 果 說 , 猶 太 人 是 二 次 大 戰 時 被 剝 奪 、 被 殘 害 的 民 族 , 那 二 次 大 戰 後 , 巴 勒 斯 坦 人 就 代 替 了 猶 太 人 成 為 被 剝 奪 的 民 族 , 而 剝 奪 他 們 的 則 是 猶 太 人 ! 這 也 是 為 甚 麼 多 年 來 巴 勒 斯 坦 人 不 斷 透 過 「 城 市 游 擊 戰 」 式 的 突 襲 、 自 殺 式 襲 擊 以 至 純 粹 宣 洩 式 的 擲石 暴 亂 , 反 抗 以 色 列 國 特 別 是 以 色 列 軍 隊 的 鎮 壓 。 只 可 惜 強 弱 實 在 太 懸 殊 了 , 巴 勒 斯 坦 人 擲 的 是 石 頭 、 以 色 列 士 兵 發 射 的 卻 是 導 彈 、 火 箭 炮 。 沒 多 久 前 , 電 視 新 聞 上播 出 一 對 巴 勒 斯 坦 父 子 被 包 圍 、 被 射 殺 的 影 片 , 那 位 父 親 無 助 地 央 求 停 止 射 擊 , 希 望 救 回 兒 子 的 性 命 , 結 果 還 是 救 不 了 , 最 後 雙 雙 死 在 以 軍 的 槍 彈 下 。 這 令 人 激 憤 , 傷 痛 的 一 幕 , 相 信 不 少 人 還 有 印 象 , 而 這 樣 的 一 幕 也 充 分 反 映 了 巴 勒 斯 坦 無 助 、 無 援 的 處 境 。

我 們 希 望 , 像 那 樣 的 衝 突 、 那 樣 無 情 的 射 殺 不 要 再 發 生 , 要 做 到 這 一 點 , 關 鍵 在 於 以 色 列 要 拿 出 勇 氣 及 決 心 來 , 承 認 巴 勒 斯 坦 人 自 主 及 立 國 的 權 利 、 容 許 他 們 有 自 主 立 國 的 空 間 ; 否 則 , 不 僅 以 色 列 人 與 巴 勒 斯 坦 人 的 衝 突 不 會 平 息 , 反 而 會 不 斷 升 級 , 令 以 色 列 的 平 民 也 享 受 不 到 和 平 及 正 常 過 生 活 的 權 利 。 我 們 期 望 在 新 一 輪 的 以 巴 和 談 中 , 雙 方 能 真 正 取 得 進 展 , 為 解 決 宿 怨 走 出 實 質 的 一 步 。 只 有 當 以 巴 的 宿 怨 得 到 化 解 , 伯 利 才 可 能 回 復 到 平 和 、 寧 靜 的 面 貌 , 才 可 能 像 每 一個 聖 誕 那 樣 成 為 和 平 與 希 望 的 新 生 地 。

This is year 2012, has anything changed?

Saturday, June 30, 2012

巴別塔 Tower of Babel

I guess most people have heard of the story of the Tower of the Babel. If not, you can always search it on the Internet or visit the following websites.

I'm not sure if I heard of that story when I was studying in a Christian (Protestant) kindergarten, but not until recent years I have a question in my mind: Why bother to interrupt people's work?

Let's take a look at some facts. The tallest building on Earth in year 2012 Q2 is the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, UAE, which is 829.84m tall. If you compare the height of the tallest building with the normal flight level ( that can be up to 15,100m, you will find that there is still a long way to build a "tall" building (Or we have already reached our limit)

Even with the technology in year 2012 and using all the resources (money, man power and materials) of the whole population on Earth, do you really think we can build something up to 15,000m? Do you really think that the Tower of the Babel in the old days can reach the sky and reach the Heaven?

So my question becomes: Why bother to interrupt people's work, for God knows that it is impossible for human beings to build anything tall?

My other question is that if you read Genesis 11:6 (, "And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do", do you really think that nothing will be retained from human beings? "Supposedly", people are able to do what they are designed (by God) to be able to do. People can't fly by just imagination. People can't run faster than light by just imagination. People can't live forever by just imagination. So what is God afraid of?

My next questions are: How many people are involved in building the Tower of Babel and what is the percentage to the whole population? Did God only change the languages of the construction workers? Did God change the languages of people who were not involved in the building of the tower? How many languages did God created for this incident? If someone is a construction worker who is not involved in the Tower of Babel, did God change his/her language? If a father's language is changed, Did God also change the language of his wife and children? For each language, is that at least one medical doctor to take care of the sick people?

作為其中一個高登CD-ROM會員,比着我,只會一邊食花生,一邊恥笑人類係井底之蛙,根本唔會出手.For example, when you hear the news that in June 2012 the Chinese submersible Jiaolong ( has broken the record to dive to a depth of over 7000m, you can simply mention that in March 2012, James Cameron has already reached the deepest bottom of the sea on Earth at nearly 11km (

Saturday, June 23, 2012

再來一次 Come Again

While I am reading some online news on computer stuff, I sudden think of an idea that what if Jesus come to Earth as a human being again?

Can Jesus solve the housing problem in Hong Kong, and how?
Can Jesus solve the European debt crisis, and how?
Can Jesus solve the Israel-Palestine problem, and how?
Can Jesus solve the starvation problem in Africa, and how?
Can Jesus solve the situation in North Korea, and how?

Can Jesus solve the gender and race problem in some countries, and how?
Can Jesus solve the human rights problem in some countries, and how?
Can Jesus solve the exploitation of some countries towards other countries, and how?

Can Jesus solve all human problems as a human being, and how?
Can Jesus solve all human problem as God, and how?

If Jesus has the ability to solve all these problems, should Jesus come now?
If Jesus does not have the ability to solve all these problems, why?

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Professor and Student 教授與學生

There are two different versions of the "Professor and Student". Unfortunately I can only find one version in English and the other version in Chinese. They are not the direct translation of each other; they are two different versions.

Let's take a look at the English version first, as I guess this is probably the more ancient version.


Does evil exist?

The university professor challenged his students with this question. Did God create everything that exists? A student bravely replied, "Yes, he did!"

"God created everything? The professor asked.

"Yes sir", the student replied.

The professor answered, "If God created everything, then God created evil since evil exists, and according to the principal that our works define who we are then God is evil". The student became quiet before such an answer. The professor was quite pleased with himself and boasted to the students that he had proven once more that the Christian faith was a myth.

Another student raised his hand and said, "Can I ask you a question professor?"

"Of course", replied the professor.

The student stood up and asked, "Professor, does cold exist?"

"What kind of question is this? Of course it exists. Have you never been cold?" The students snickered at the young man's question.

The young man replied, "In fact sir, cold does not exist. According to the laws of physics, what we consider cold is in reality the absence of heat. Every body or object is susceptible to study when it has or transmits energy, and heat is what makes a body or matter have or transmit energy. Absolute zero (-460 degrees F) is the total absence of heat; all matter becomes inert and incapable of reaction at that temperature. Cold does not exist. We have created this word to describe how we feel if we have no heat."

The student continued, "Professor, does darkness exist?"

The professor responded, "Of course it does."

The student replied, "Once again you are wrong sir, darkness does not exist either. Darkness is in reality the absence of light. Light we can study, but not darkness. In fact we can use Newton's prism to break white light into many colors and study the various wavelengths of each color. You cannot measure darkness. A simple ray of light can break into a world of darkness and illuminate it. How can you know how dark a certain space is? You measure the amount of light present. Isn't this correct? Darkness is a term used by man to describe what happens when there is no light present."

Finally the young man asked the professor, "Sir, does evil exist?"

Now uncertain, the professor responded, "Of course as I have already said. We see it every day. It is in the daily example of man's inhumanity to man. It is in the multitude of crime and violence everywhere in the world. These manifestations are nothing else but evil."

To this the student replied, "Evil does not exist sir, or at least it does not exist unto itself. Evil is simply the absence of God. It is just like darkness and cold, a word that man has created to describe the absence of God. God did not create evil. Evil is not like faith, or love that exist just as does light and heat. Evil is the result of what happens when man does not have God's love present in his heart. It's like the cold that comes when there is no heat or the darkness that comes when there is no light."

The professor sat down.

The young man's name — Albert Einstein.

Do you agree with this article? Are you satisfied with the answers?

If you visit the source website, you can find that there is a claim of this article: Albert Einstein humiliated an atheist professor by using the "Evil is the absence of God" argument". However, the claim is false.

Let's take a look at the other version, which is in Chinese.

Wednesday, 23 September 2009


















    「祂沒有這樣做呀,祂有嗎?我的兄弟是基督徒,他患了癌症,懇求耶穌醫治,可是結果他死了。耶穌怎會是善的?唔? 你能答我嗎?」



















    沒有回應。那學生嘗試堅定地直視教授,但失敗了。教授突然走開,在班前踱來踱去,活像一隻老黑豹。全班都被迷住。「告訴我,」他說,「這個上帝不斷地創造 一切的惡,衪怎會是善的?」教授揮舞著雙臂以包括著世上所有的邪惡。「這個善的上帝所造的仇恨、殘酷、痛苦、折磨、死亡和醜陋,以及所有苦難充斥著這個世 界,是嗎,年輕人?」






























    教授的笑容凝結起來。班房突然變得很冷。第二個基督徒繼續說:「你有很多種熱,很熱、超熱、巨熱、白熱、少少熱或是沒有熱,但我們沒有一樣東西叫 『冷」』。我們有零下458度(譯按:華氏),這是沒有熱,但就不可以再降低些。沒有一樣東西是叫冷的,不然我們會有冷過零下458度的溫度──先生,你 看,冷只是一個用來形容欠缺熱的字。我們不能量度冷。因為熱是能量,熱可用熱量單位來量度。冷不是熱的相反,先生,這只是熱的欠缺。」


    教授回應:「首先,我沒有說過冷是熱的相反。你暗示我有,硬說成是我說的。冷是熱的相對量度方式,特別是低過零度時。所有零下的溫度都可以用冷的定義來形 容。如我所說,冷不是熱的相反,僅是一個對熱、涉及它在絕對零度的相對狀態的描述。再者,我能引申你論點的前提,及將之應用在對體積的描述。沒有一樣東西 叫收縮,因為小只是大的欠缺,或者體積增長的欠缺。宇宙中最小的粒子是在原子邊緣的電子。所有收縮的東西都只能收縮到這個體積,不能再小,我們可以說收縮 不存在嗎?」



















    「你正在二元論方 法的前提上下工夫,」那基督徒解釋道,「例如有生存有死亡,有好神有壞神。你將上帝的概念看成有限的、我們可量度的東西。先生,科學連思想都解釋不了。它 用到電力和磁力,但這些都不曾被看見,對它們離完全了解還差得遠。將死亡視作生存的相反,是忽視死亡不是一種實在的東西的事實。死亡不是生存的相反,僅是 生存的欠缺。」   

    「我有說過生存是死亡的相反嗎?我有說過用二元論方法來看待事物嗎?沒有一個狀態是相反的。就像嬰兒不是老人的相反、或健康的新生女嬰不是患癌的老婆婆的 相反。所有東西的狀態只存在於一條連續統一體的線上。人類是四腳動物和植物的延續。這是進化,著眼於生長的科學。你從未見過人家寫聖經,我們可不可說聖經 是外太空生物寫成的?」

    那年輕人從書桌拿起一份鄰座在看的報紙。 「教授,這是這個國家其中一家最下流的小報。是不是有樣東西叫不道德?」





    「邪惡與正義是一個零和遊戲,原則上互相抵銷對方。一個人的舉動可以被同時考慮成邪惡和正義。它們同時存在,並非互相排斥。為甚麼你覺得即使上帝存在,祂 也是在工作的?這只是你的假設,認為上帝不會袖手旁觀。如果邪惡是那個機制,那它的目的是去減弱那所謂正義,因為這同樣是一個零和遊戲。」











    教授不滿地說:「你能證明你的胃已經吸收了你今天的早餐嗎?五十年前的早餐又怎樣?你能用肉眼證明地球是圓的而不需任何科學儀器?如果你目睹有人槍擊一個 受害者,由於子彈進入受害人的身體後就永遠不能被你看見,你能證明那受害人真的被子彈所殺嗎?如果你在法庭作證,指你目睹甲向乙開槍,你不只在提供意見。 再者,子彈被槍管射出飛過空中,快得你永遠看不見。如果我們連自己的觀察都不能相信,你和你的上帝的精神連繫還有啥值得相信。在哲學討論中,我就即管不理 你的無禮行為。現在你說完沒有?」












    看來沒有人試過。那基督徒惋惜地搖搖頭。「看來沒有人對教授的腦袋有任何感官認知。那麼, 根據實證、可測試和可證實的定律,科學說教授沒有腦袋。」   













    「進化論已被知道是真的,是因為証據。」教授繼續說。「它是對化石紀錄最好的解釋。就連有名的創造論家也承認,由爬蟲類到哺乳類動物的演變,在化石紀錄中 有良好的證據。一個創造論家的辯論小組,包括 Michael Behe和Philip Johnson等,在一埸電視轉播的辯論中正承認這點。那是在Buckley的"Firing Line"節目中。你有收看嗎?」



























    「如果一個人有能力去阻止海嘯把城鎮夷為平地,並這個人故意沒有去阻止它,我們不會說這個人是善的。就算那人說,『那不是我的錯,』我們也會因為一個人在 上千人要死去時見死不救而吃驚。所以,如果上帝能阻止天災而沒有做的話,我們按此推理就不應說上帝是善的。事實上,我們大概會說上帝是惡的。」










    「正確。」教授說。「如果它符合那定義,它就是那東西。如果神上帝符合善的定義,衪就是善的。如果衪不符合的話,它就不是。如果你承認衪不符合我們對善的 定義,衪就不是善的。說衪或許根據另一些定義是善的,毫無用處。如果我們想知道根據我們的定義,衪是否善的話,你已答了那問題。上帝不是善的。」















The second version in Chinese is obviously more logical than the first version in English. Although we human beings do not understand why God choose not to save people, we can understand that we simply do not understand God and therefore:

  1. If human beings do not have the ability to understand something of God, how do human beings know that their believe towards God is accurate? How do human beings guarantee that some human beings can explain the Bible and God's words accurately?
  2. In real life, there are thieves carrying loads of guns walking into banks and it is obvious that these are bad guys doing bad things, there are fake charity organizations that mislead people and people may not realize the truth forever. So how do human beings identify Alien, Devil and God?
I guess
  1. If God gives human beings humanity, human beings should use it for good and wisely
  2. If God gives human beings wisdom, human beings should use it for good and wisely. Ask when you have doubts.