Sunday, July 1, 2012

Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem 伯利恆主誕堂

巴人突擊申遺成功 美以怒轟


聯合國世界遺產委員會以13票贊成、6票反對,決定把伯利恆主誕堂(Church of the Nativity)列為世遺。教科文組織巴勒斯坦代表桑巴爾(Elias Wadih Sanbar)表示,伯利恆古蹟「因以色列的佔領、修建西岸城牆而面臨被徹底破壞的威脅」。巴方亦指以軍的封鎖導致缺乏工具復修,要求將有關古蹟緊急列為世界遺產,毋須經過歷時18個月的申請程序。

幾經戰火 將獲資金復修



不過,教科文組織的決定引起美以反彈,美國駐聯合國教科文組織代表基利昂(David Killion)表示,美國對此「深感失望」,指決定與政治有關;以色列總理辦公室亦發表聲明,指「有證據顯示教科文組織的決定出於政治考慮,而非基於文化原因」;以色列外交部稱,「巴勒斯坦並不是對主誕堂有興趣,他們只是想利用申遺程序作為對付以色利的宣傳工具。」



現時成功把伯利恆主誕堂列入巴勒斯坦名下,對巴人立國進程具象徵性意義,被視為巴人繞過美以掣肘,爭取國際承認國家地位的「擦邊球勝利」。巴勒斯坦外長馬勒基(Riad Malki)稱,當局正計劃為西岸、加沙及東耶路撒冷多個古申遺,勢令以巴的政治爭拗升級。


29 June 2012 Last updated at 15:40 GMT

Bethlehem sites given Unesco World Heritage status

The UN's cultural agency, Unesco, has voted to add the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem and its pilgrimage route to the list of World Heritage Sites.

The Palestinian delegation welcomed the approval of its bid to get protected status for the church, built on a site some believe was Jesus's birthplace.

Israel and the US opposed the move, saying it was politically motivated.

It was the first such approval since Palestine was controversially granted membership of Unesco last year.

Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity - originally constructed in 399 above a cave traditionally believed to be the birthplace of Jesus and rebuilt after fire in the 6th Century - is among the holiest sites in Christianity

The short section of the pilgrimage route from Jerusalem to Bethlehem - following the historical route believed to have been taken by Mary and Joseph - is used for the procession of the Patriarchs at Christmas.

An estimated two million people visit the two sites every year.

At a meeting in the Russian city of St Petersburg on Friday, Unesco delegates voted 13 to six in favour of giving both of them World Heritage Site status "on an emergency basis", entitling them to UN protection and funding for restoration work the Palestinians say is urgent.


When the result of the secret ballot was announced, there were loud cheers and fist pumping from the Palestinian delegation, reports the BBC's Jon Donnison in Ramallah.

"These sites are threatened with total destruction through the Israeli occupation, through the building of the separation wall, because of all the Israeli sanctions and the measures that have been taken to stifle the Palestinian identity," permanent delegate Elias Wadih Sanbar said.

Israel's permanent delegate, Nimrod Barkan, said his country supported awarding World Heritage Site status to the Church of the Nativity under a completely different, non-emergency procedure that carried no implications for the stalled Middle East peace process.

"The decision taken now was totally political and does great damage in our opinion to the [UN] convention and its image," he added.

Christian denominations were also opposed to the bid, fearing Unesco would start to meddle in the affairs of the Church of the Nativity.

Our correspondent says Palestinians will see this as a small but significant victory.

Last year, Unesco became the first UN body to officially accept Palestine as a member state, despite strong opposition from the US and Israel, which said it would further remove the possibility of a permanent peace deal.

That led to Washington suspending millions of dollars of funding for the agency, which accounted for a fifth of its budget.

Last year, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas failed in his bid to gain recognition of a Palestinian state at the main body of the United Nations, although officials say they may revive that bid this year.

In a way, Palestinians would not have succeed if Israel did treasure and protect the Church of the Nativity. So far, I only know that Israel built their state by terrorist attack (, ( Reading the news of Israel and Palestine, I guess, to Israel, peace only means "peace" to Israel, by suppressing Palestinians. It is ironic that the story of God comes from Jews but they do not believe Jesus was a god, and they are still doing evil things to the Palestinians.

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